Text Exchange: Dr. B & Meg

Photo credit Unsplash/Rodion Kutsaiev
Photo credit Unsplash/Rodion Kutsaiev

by Meg LeDuc

"Text Exchange: Dr. B & Meg" by Meg LeDuc
“Text Exchange: Dr. B & Meg” by Meg LeDuc

Meg LeDuc (she/her) works as a copywriter and lives in the Detroit area with her husband and three rescue cats. Her literary work has appeared in Mount Hope Magazine, Brevity, and New Delta Review, among others, and an essay is forthcoming from Third Coast Magazine. An excerpt from her memoir-in-progress was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2020. Another excerpt was a finalist for CRAFT’s Creative Nonfiction Award 2021 and published the following year. She is a three-time recipient of the University of Michigan’s Hopwood Writing Award. She currently attends Vermont College of Fine Arts’ Master of Fine Arts in Writing. Please visit www.megleduc.com.