By Sadee Bee
I was born with a mark upon my face /
seared deeper than a brand / etched right
into my very soul for all to see //
My true nature / gifted at birth / from a bloodline
filled with ceaseless wanting’s / of bleeding hearts
and subtle deceits / whispers of pain /
bruises fading deep beneath //
A mark that could never be removed /
Only disguised / hidden with the practiced
elegance of shapeshifting / The art
of crafting carefully carved masks //
Never so much to fully blend /
but enough to hide the stain / For when eyes
are laid upon it / others stare with disdain //
My hands could not remove it /
though I tried until my hands bled / for they
could not carve the mark from my face //
No blade / no medicine / no forbidden elixirs
could free me from this bane / I cannot run
from this damned stain //
All that I am / is not only on the surface /
I never wanted to hide / this mark is my truth
begging to be seen / to be understood /
I do not know / if I will ever be ready /
To be so naked //
Sadee Bee is ever-evolving as living with mental illness is never a straight line and hopes to be a voice and advocate for those like her. She uses art as an outlet as well, creating whatever comes to mind, and is heavily drawn to speculative and out-of-this-world elements. She is inspired by strange dreams, magic, and creepy vibes.