Emporia (the last verse of an abstract tale)

Emporia (the last verse of an abstract tale)

by Carlos Mijares Poyer

The hyper-bollixed incandescent humongous mutation of a dream,
Whereas solitary firefly falls to the waters.
The cascade of the brittle rose flower’s
Last floating petals forgotten
By mist and demeanor
As in a maze of open reality.
Where no eyes have gone before
To steal the fathomed sigh of
New angst and the breathless
Pleasure of a dark abyss.
I bid you welcome Emporia
Of perched soiled portico columned houses
White wood in arid sun, lost starlight
And poppies in your heart flagellating
Desire as wishes and these as lost hopes.
Articulate tenements “NO VACANCY”
signs buzzing in dying neon light
Of quark infrastructure as tear of mercury
Those sappy and lachrymose beings, meandering.
That perils from your retina’s facade
Like a new mask,
Like the gate that holds no return even for the wise
For you or for me, we are one
In the forked road, open
To the new herbicides in the dew
Of crowned ferns and wisterias
Surrounded by more mankind.
More Mankind.
I sit in the soft sofa of your legs
Like a crying clown, erased make-up, drooped,
Of wet eyes blinded by all scientific.
Your star, your onyx rosary,
Your spectacles shaded like a tie-dye shirt
Open at the neck to reveal that pale throat
That will cut from heaven with iconoclastic words
Sung like a bird: Chirp, chirp, the bird lurks.
The surgeon will save you,
The Amontillado wine will battle you
Like the lucid masculine liquids of the stars,
Flares of eyes with no pupils, stares and circular gazes
And yes, those quiet screams.
I am no white dwarf star; I am just short-lived, shining
In this last moment — immaculate, all that luster.
This garden, this one drawn
Is Emporia
The inverted pyramid of your tears
As landscape and the desperado’s escapade,
The musical on stage of only sound and stage scenery, vacant
For your fastened soul, a voyage to reality and away they say…
To the authentic footprints of mirage in urban labyrinths
And eyes on and from a chanting crowd.
Before you spill shadow
Welcome to the Emporium
And gimmick of roses
In this your last stage
Your thought processes as whims
And the circumstance of theorized by the Spanish philosopher
Which names your imagination
At mid-century.
I come now to this rain forest
As a noun and place at your verb’s wants
Hurts feet to menace evil with wild kicks in a back seat
From the platitudes
From the South American Lost World of the immense Tepuys of Canaima;
Hollow plateaus you carry as burden
The quakes of your dignity.
The Sunrise they yelled sore of gargantuan overtones
Not a musical myriad of chess pieces
In the vast heel of the universe
Divided to cry, only to whimper and make no sense
Like a petal
The idiom and nomen inside the ear-drum
Of your own form as content
To say: “EMPORIA!!!”
The open mountain and the entering double-helix helicopters
Your chest unearthed to breathe,
As you relate
As you relate
As you give in to immortality.
Gaze in the french garden
You had desire to be a last child
Given as astronomy of foliage
To your heart’s beat and open wounds digitally scarred
Thus is the healing of the new global shaman
In the oldest of continents unseen
The continent redeemed
Of possible blanche islands and heroism to their history
From the deserts to castles you
You are no hero, just a blast from
The outcome of a secret web maelstrom
Where flowers withering converse, converge to enhance
And the sky dips its lips beyond the waters, ecstasy…
Yes, the waters of gesture upon the kryptonite rocks
Your path to that other garden
Where no one listens
Just prays,
Just like this,
Like this…
And, like this, take the money and hum…
While the abstraction perils.

Carlos Mijares Poyer is a Venezuelan-American writer, journalist and marketer. He is published in print in Venezuela extensively with awards in different genres, and also published in English in the Galway Review, Ireland, The Yellow Chair Review, Silver Birch Press, The Piper Magazine, Guilford College and Morphos Digital Mag., Mexico. He studied all of my education in the U.S., an English Major from Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina and alumni Pine Crest School, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He is a trilingual author in English, Spanish and French.