By Stef Nuñez

When the moon is full
and my uterus begins to empty
my body punishes me
for not giving it a child
with a week-long assault
of blood and inner bruising

but even before that a dark
and devilish dance takes place
in my spirit as the Primordial
Dream Darling, my own personal
demon starts to wake up.

She grins, wicked, sharp-toothed,
flicks my sanity with a jagged
nail. When I try to sleep
she pins me down and licks
my neck, whispering all my
deepest insecurities into my ear.
Sometimes she uses my own voice.

Stef Nuñez is the EIC of Sage Cigarettes Magazine and Co-Creator of A Ghost in the Magazine. You can follow her on Twitter @witchxpudding or on Instagram @wonderfemme_