by Zoé Mahfouz

In the light of Area 51, a little egg lay on the flat Earth.

One Sunday morning the moon landing rehearsal started and – POP! – out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. 

He started to look for President Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate. 

On Monday he ate through one Masonic treasure map. But he was still hungry. 

He started to look for some food.

On Tuesday, he ate through two CIA truth serums. But he was still hungry.

He started to look for some food.

On Wednesday, he ate through three Church of Scientology Operating Thetan documents, but he was still hungry. 

He started to look for some food.

On Thursday he ate through four Operation Paperclip Nazis’ employment contracts, but he was still hungry. 

He started to look for some food. 

On Friday he ate through five Operation Northwoods’ Cuban refugee boats, but he was still hungry. 

On Saturday he ate through one giant stone owl, one Hawaii missile, one blood sacrifice, one military tornado, one vaccine implant microchip, one slice of Paul McCartney’s impostor, one government sleeper agent mandate, one teleported naval destroyer escort, one spy camera hidden in television sets, and one Ebola virus strain designed to procure organs for the black market. 

That night he had a stomachache! 

The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice, radiated leaf, and after that he felt much better. 

Now he wasn’t hungry anymore — and he wasn’t a caterpillar anymore. He was a big, fat lobbying chrysalis. 

He built a small house, called a cult mansion, around himself. He conspired inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the system, pushed his way out and… 

He was a beautiful Lizard Man! 

Zoé Mahfouz is a multi-talented artist—an award-winning bilingual actress, screenwriter, and writer whose works span fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, featured in 20+ literary magazines worldwide. Her comedic scripts, including I Follow You and Commercial Actress, have garnered recognition at festivals like Hollywood Comedy Shorts, Filmmatic, Scriptation Showcase, and Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival.


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