Derrick Barry Nails His Theses to the Door of the Church of Britney July 6, 2022Posted inPoetry, Pop Culture Alex Carrigan's Centos poem "Derrick Barry Nails His Theses to the Door of the Church of Britney"
The Spirits and Mr. Crowley July 1, 2022Posted inPoetry Le Francis and Jay Rafferty's collabrative poem "The Spritits and Mr. Crowley"
Fiction schedule & reading period June 30, 2022Posted inFiction, Housekeeping Fiction editor, LE Francis, makes a quick announcement regarding the current open call & fiction publication schedule.
Farrah Moan Doesn’t Emphasize, She Highlights June 29, 2022Posted inPoetry, Pride Features1 Comment Alex Carrigan's centos pome "Farrah Moan Doesn't Emphasize, She Highlights" for Pride 2022
Betrayal, Spies, and Diaries: A Review of Tilar J. Mazzeo’s Sisters in Resistance June 27, 2022Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "Sisters in Resistance" by Tilar J. Mazzeo.
Supernova June 27, 2022Posted inPoetry, Pride Features Perry Gasteiger's poem "Supernova" for Pride 2022.
The Great World of Days (review) June 23, 2022Posted inBook reviews, Pride Features, Writer outreach Alex Carrigan's review of "The Great World of Days" edited by Gregory Luce, Anne Becker, and Jeffrey Banks.
“I, Who am Not I:” June 21, 2022Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "Grotesque Weather and Good People" by Lim Solah.