I don’t want all of your tiny secrets October 31, 2021Posted inCryptid 2021, Issues, Poetry Kai Coggin's poem “I don't want all of your tiny secrets" as published in Sage Cigarettes’ Cryptid 2021 issue.
Aerial Caterpillar Ballet October 31, 2021Posted inCryptid 2021, Issues, Poetry Kai Coggin's poem “Aerial Caterpillar Ballet" as published in Sage Cigarettes’ Cryptid 2021 issue.
The Rest Room October 31, 2021Posted inCryptid 2021, Issues, Poetry Rachael Chitondwe's poem “The Rest Room" as published in Sage Cigarettes’ Cryptid 2021 issue.
Phantom Frisk October 31, 2021Posted inCryptid 2021, Issues, Poetry Jay Rafferty's poem “Phantom Frisk" as published in Sage Cigarettes’ Cryptid 2021 issue.
Portrait of the artist as Manananggal October 31, 2021Posted inCryptid 2021, Issues, Poetry Maria Bolanos' poem “Portrait of the artist as Manananggal" as published in Sage Cigarettes’ Cryptid 2021 issue.
In a word: bittersweet October 28, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Jay Rafferty reviews "Mohílak" by Keana Aguila Labra
Wherein L talks to a thrift store paperback as if it were her long lost undead twin brother October 26, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach LE Francis reviews "The Holmes-Dracula File" by Fred Saberhagen.
The Sick, the Prettiest, and the Cult October 19, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "Folktales for the Diseased Individual" by Palaces.
Darryl: An Adult Version of The Perks of Being a Wallflower October 12, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "Darryl" by Jackie Ess.
Noughties kinda love October 6, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Jay Rafferty reviews "In Praise of Love" by Alain Badiou.