by Ed Ahern
Some experiences are inevitable —
parents, race, plumbing, talents.
Some experiences are chosen —
spouses, jobs, vices, friends.
Some sensations are virgin births —
Hunger, chill, pain, touch.
Some sensations are sought —
Warmth, comfort, exertion, enjoyment,
Some emotions are uncontrollable —
Fear, shock, laughter, wonder
Some emotions are nurtured —
Affection, honor, hate, pleasure
And some emotions are deceivers —
Lust, greed, envy, pride.
Some of this and some of that,
tricks and treats consumed
during the walk.
Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales.He’s had over two hundred fifty stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of six review editors. On Twitter @bottomstripper, on Instagram @edwardahern1860.