by Craig Matsu-Pissot
thoughts arise in the Field of Love
they don’t seek to obscure the Sun
they seek release
they seek to dissipate
in all encompassing awareness
in the openness of Day
You revealed Your face to me
and then withdrew
now i chase after You
may this game of hide and seek never end
this yearning
this longing
filled with delight
in the play of Love
Craig was given a love for writing by his mother and a love for the outdoors by his father. These gifts are fundamental to much of his poetry. His studies in a variety of spiritual and psychological traditions have informed his way of life and perspectives and therefore his writing. Craig has also been deeply influenced by his work as a mental health professional or spiritual care counsellor in HIV/Aids, palliative and hospice care, and mental health and addictions. Retired now, Craig happily lives in cohousing.