Winter solstice

Winter solstice

by Joan McNerney

Hurry, short days are here,
too much to do.
Get ready, find gloves,
hats, scarves, sweaters.

Stopping to see the
shape of a snowflake.

Coming home to luxuriate
in dim light listening
to heat hissing and finding
warmth from hot teas.

Bundled in bed comforted by
mounds of blankets, books.

Finally succumbing to
our northern goddess,
whose black nights are long
and silent as evergreens.

Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Poet Warriors, Blueline, and Halcyon Days. Four Bright Hills Press Anthologies, several Poppy Road Review Journals, and numerous Kind of A Hurricane Press Publications have accepted her work. Her latest title, The Muse In Miniature, is available on Amazon and she has four Best of the Net nominations.