Not Your Hal 9000 September 22, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "The Original Glitch" by Melanie Moyer.
“Lost at Sea” review August 27, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Parker reviews "Lost at Sea" by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
Ink Joys and Self Poetics August 24, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba reviews "Clock Star Rose Spine" by Fran Wilde.
“If All the World and Love Were Young” review August 19, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Jay Rafferty reviews "If All the World and Love Were Young" by Stephen Sexton.
“These Bones” review August 16, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Nicole Yurcaba's review of "These Bones" by Kayla Chenault.
New dreams, great old mythos August 12, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach LE Francis reviews "The Coming of the Old Ones" by Jeffrey Thomas.
“Good Morning, Midnight” review August 11, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Wendy Sinnamon's review of "Good Morning, Midnight" by Jean Rhys.
“Mr. Funnyman” review August 5, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Writer outreach Jay Rafferty reviews Shawn Berman's book "Mr. Funnyman."
My Dinner with Eddie July 1, 2021Posted inInterviews, Pop Culture, Pride Features Jay Rafferty interviews Eddie Bork as part of Pride 2021.
“Love After the End” review June 29, 2021Posted inBook reviews, Pop Culture, Pride Features Brahidaliz Martinez reviews "Love After the End: An anthology of Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer Speculative Fiction" edited by Joshua Whitehead as part of Pride 2021.